Sentence examples of "le" in French with translation "the"

Le gouverneur visita la ville. The governor visited the city.
Le ministre a dû démissionner. The minister had to resign.
As-tu commandé le livre ? Did you order the book?
Je dois repasser le test. I have to take the test again.
Malheureusement, le magasin était fermé. Unfortunately, the store was closed.
Nous avons loupé le coche. We've missed the boat.
Le lac grouille de poissons. The lake abounds with fish.
Je lui tenais le parapluie. I held the umbrella over her.
Elles ont abandonné le navire. They abandoned the ship.
Dois-je repeindre le mur ? Must I repaint the wall?
Le couple rompit ses fiançailles. The couple broke off their engagement.
Nous espérons baisser le tarif. We hope to lower the tariff.
Le petit réfrigérateur est sale. The little fridge is dirty.
Ils contemplaient le magnifique jardin. They were looking on the beautiful garden.
Le sol conserva la richesse. The soil retained richness.
Vous pouvez prendre le livre. You may take the book.
Le résultat a été décevant. The result was disappointing.
C'est le dernier jeu. This is the last game.
Le bureau est en bois. The desk is made of wood.
Le temps est si beau. The weather is so nice!
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