Sentence examples of "o" in Portuguese with translation "he"

Ela o levou ao zoológico. She took him to the zoo.
Ela o cumprimenta toda manhã. She greets him every morning.
Você o conhece tanto assim? Do you know him that much?
Eu o venci no xadrez. I beat him at chess.
Eu o vi muitas vezes. I have seen him many times.
Ela o apanhou na estação. She picked him up at the station.
Eu nunca o verei novamente. I will never see him again.
Nós o chamamos de Mike. We call him Mike.
Ajude-o com o francês. Help him with French.
Não o exponha à chuva! Don't expose him to the rain!
Ele leu o livro ontem. He read the book yesterday.
Ele subiu o Monte Fuji. He went up Mt. Fuji.
Nós o achávamos um gênio. We thought of him as a genius.
Ele mesmo fez o trabalho. He did the work on his own.
Ele quebrou o recorde mundial. He broke the world record.
Você o conheceu na universidade? You met him at the university?
Ela o levou à loja. She took him to the store.
Ela o perdoou por tudo. She has forgiven him for everything.
Ela o apunhalou pelas costas. She stabbed him in the back.
Ela o amará para sempre. She'll love him forever.
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