Sentence examples of "seines" in German with translation "his"

Er ging anstelle seines Vaters. He went there instead of his father.
Er schämt sich seines Körpers. He's ashamed of his body.
Wir sind seines Erfolges sicher. We are sure of his success.
Ich bezweifle den Wahrheitsgehalt seines Berichtes. I doubt the truth of his report.
Wir erwarten die Veröffentlichung seines Buches. We are expecting the issue of his book.
Dank seines Ratschlages hatte ich Erfolg. Because of his advice, I was able to succeed.
Er rächte den Tod seines Vaters. He avenged the murder of his father.
Er ist das Ebenbild seines Vaters. He's a carbon copy of his father.
Das ist der Grund seines Scheiterns. That's the cause of his failure.
Ich bin wegen seines Gesundheitszustands besorgt. I'm worried because of his health.
Tom entwendete den Wagen seines Vaters. Tom stole his father’s car.
Ich bin mir seines Erfolges sicher. I'm sure of his success.
Tom klaute den Wagen seines Vaters. Tom stole his father’s car.
Sie lachte beim Anblick seines Hutes. She laughed at the sight of his hat.
Sie heiratete ihn wegen seines Familiennamens. She married him for the sake of his family name.
Ihm wurde wegen seines Alters verziehen. He was excused by reason of his age.
Tom stahl das Auto seines Vaters. Tom stole his father’s car.
Er wurde wegen seines Vizekandidaten fallengelassen. He was dropped because of his running mate.
Er hat seines Vaters Uhr verloren. He has lost his father's watch.
Sie hat ihn wegen seines Geldes geheiratet. She married him for his money.
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