Sentence examples of "regardait" in French

Allongé sur le dos il regardait le ciel. He was lying on his back, looking at the sky.
Elle regardait les feuilles mortes tomber. She was watching the dead leaves falling.
La nuit, elle regardait la lune. At night, she gazed at the moon.
J'ai remarqué qu'un petit animal gris nous regardait. I noticed that a small gray animal was looking toward us.
Un policier regardait les bras croisés. A policeman was watching it, with his arms crossed.
Le jeune garçon regardait l'immense éléphant, les yeux grands ouverts. The little boy gazed at the huge elephant, eyes wide open.
Il s'asseyait et regardait la mer pendant des heures. He would sit and look at the sea for hours.
Il regardait la scène sans grand intérêt. He was watching the scene with breathless interest.
Je n'avais pas conscience qu'un homme me regardait. I was not conscious of a man looking at me.
Il regardait la télé toute la journée. He was watching television all day.
Chaque fois que son mari me regardait, il me demandait presque: "Pourquoi êtes-vous venu ici ?". Everytime her husband looked at me, he almost asked me: "For what purpose have you come here?"
Je me suis assuré que personne ne regardait. I made sure that no one was watching.
Je n'étais pas conscient que quiconque me regardait. I wasn't conscious of anyone watching me.
Il regardait ceux qui rentraient et ressortaient de la maison. He watched those who went in and out of the house.
Il ne regardait pas la télé à ce moment-là. He wasn't watching TV then.
Elle regardait la télévision quand je suis rentré à la maison. She was watching TV when I came home.
Quand je suis arrivé à la maison, il regardait la télévision. When I came home, he was watching TV.
Il la regarda avec colère. He looked at her angrily.
Il regarda les garçons nager. He watched the boys swimming.
Connais-tu l'homme qui te regarde  ? Do you know the man gazing at you?
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