Sentence examples of "dois" in French

Je dois repasser le test. I have to take the test again.
Je te dois 3000 yen. I owe you 3,000 yen.
Tu dois t'arrêter de fumer. It is necessary for you to stop smoking.
Je dois nettoyer ma chambre. I have to clean my room.
Je lui dois 100 yens. I owe him 100 yen.
Tu dois surmonter les difficultés. You have to overcome the difficulties.
Je te dois la vie. I owe you my life.
Je dois couvrir sa perte. I have to cover his loss.
Je te dois dix dollars. I owe you ten dollars.
Tu dois croire en toi. You have to believe in yourself.
Je ne te dois rien ! I don't owe you squat!
Tu dois perfectionner ton anglais. You have to polish your English.
Je t'en dois une. I owe you one.
Je dois présenter mes excuses. I have to apologize.
Je lui dois mille yens. I owe him 1000 yen.
Je dois me faire beau. I have to dress up.
Je lui dois la vie. I owe him my life.
Je dois y aller maintenant. I have to go now.
Tu m'en dois une. You owe me one.
Tu dois rentrer pour 21h00. You have to be home by nine o'clock.
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