Sentence examples of "de son propre chef" in French

Il agit de son propre chef. He's acting on his own.
Elle agit de son propre chef. She's acting on her own.
Il travailla au prix de son propre temps. He worked at the cost of his own time.
Le jeune homme sait peu de choses de son propre pays. The young man knows little of his own country.
Il ne parle jamais de son propre travail. He never speaks of his own job.
Chaque élève dispose de son propre pupitre. Each student has his own desk.
Si seulement il y avait des gens mauvais commettant insidieusement de mauvaises actions quelque part et qu'il était seulement nécessaire de les séparer du reste d'entre nous et de les détruire. Mais la frontière séparant le bon du mauvais fend le cœur de chaque être humain. Et qui est prêt à détruire un morceau de son propre cœur ? If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?
Il accusa les autres de son propre échec. He blamed others for his own failure.
Tout homme prend les limites de son propre champ de vision pour les limites du monde. Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.
Elles agissent de leur propre chef. They're acting on their own.
La Suède a son propre langage. Sweden has its own language.
Il essuya la sueur de son visage. He wiped the sweat off his face.
Ils agissent de leur propre chef. They're acting on their own.
Chacun d'entre nous a son propre passe-temps. Each of us has his own hobby.
Thomas obtenait une fois et demi son salaire lorsqu'il travaillait au-delà de son heure de départ habituelle. Tom got time and a half when he worked beyond his usual quitting time.
Sazae oublie toujours son propre numéro de téléphone. Sazae is always forgetting her own phone number.
S'il avait suivi les conseils de son médecin, il ne serait peut-être pas mort. Had he taken his doctor's advice, he might not have died.
Chacun a son propre caractère. Everyone has a character of his own.
Elle reprit l'affaire à la mort de son mari. She took over the business after the death of her husband.
Il agit pour son propre intérêt. He acted in his own interest.
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