Sentence examples of "avais l'impression" in French

J'ignorais que tu avais un petit ami. I didn't know you had a boyfriend.
Il a perdu une montre que je lui avais achetée la semaine d'avant. He lost a watch which I had bought him a week before.
J'ignorais que tu avais une petite amie. I didn't know you had a girlfriend.
Je lui avais dit de ne pas être en retard. I told him not to be late.
J'ignorais que tu avais une petite copine. I didn't know you had a girlfriend.
Si tu avais fait plus d'efforts, tu aurais eu ton examen d'entrée. If you had made more effort, you would have passed the entrance examination.
Si tu avais un million de yens, que ferais-tu? If you won a million yen, what would you do?
Je réalisai que même si je voulais manger, je n'en avais pas le temps. I realized that even though I wanted to eat, I didn't have enough time.
J'ignorais que tu avais un jules. I didn't know you had a boyfriend.
Nous ne serions pas dans cette merde si tu avais fait précisément ce que je t'avais dit. We wouldn't be in this mess if you'd just done what I told you.
Je suis vraiment désolé, tout est de ma faute - Je ne vous avais pas vu. I'm really sorry, it's all my fault - I didn't notice you.
Je ne savais pas que tu avais un frère. I didn't know you had a brother.
J'ai réalisé que même si je voulais manger, je n'en avais pas le temps. I realized that even though I wanted to eat, I didn't have enough time.
Mais j'y avais un autre avantage. But I had another advantage in it.
Ça me surprend de te voir fumer. Tu n'en avais pas l'habitude. I'm surprised to see you smoking. You didn't used to.
Il l'a fait de la manière dont je lui avais indiqué. He did it the way I told him to.
Tu pouvais compter jusqu'à dix, quand tu avais deux ans. You could count to ten when you were two years old.
Il m'a dit que tu avais raison. He told me that you were right.
Tu diras et feras des choses que tes parents disaient et faisaient, même si tu avais juré de ne jamais le faire. You will say and do things your parents said and did, even if you swore you would never do it.
Nous avons eu cette chaise pour rien car la dame d'à côté n'en avais plus besoin. We got this chair for nothing because the lady next door didn't need it any more.
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