Sentence examples of "Il" in French with translation "he"

Il est malade et alité. He remains sick in bed.
Il marcha dans ses traces. He followed in her wake.
Il avait un examen oral. He had an oral exam.
Il n'est pas malade. He's not sick.
Il écoutait de la musique. He was listening to music.
Il nie avoir fait cela. He denies having done it.
Il est bon en mathématiques. He is good at mathematics.
Il me donne du mal. He is giving me a hard time.
Il obtint le premier prix. He got the first prize.
Il la regarda avec colère. He looked at her angrily.
Il vient dans mon pays. He's coming to my country.
Maintenant il regarde la télé. He is watching TV now.
Il a parcouru mon rapport. He looked over my report.
Il préfèrerait y aller vendredi. He'd prefer to go on Friday.
Il est dentiste de profession. He is a dentist by profession.
Il n'est pas fou. He is no fool.
Il a l'air jeune. He looks young.
Il veut être davantage indépendant. He wants to be more independent.
Il sait à peine parler. He can hardly speak.
Il marchait devant la voiture. He was walking ahead of the car.
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