Sentence examples of "word" in English with translation "mot"

How is the word pronounced? Comment se prononce le mot ?
The word has several meanings. Le mot a plusieurs significations.
He answered never a word. Il ne répondit jamais un mot.
What does this word mean? Que signifie ce mot ?
What does that word mean? Que signifie ce mot ?
I am remembering the word. Je me souviens du mot.
This word has two meanings. Ce mot a deux sens.
Like is hardly the word. Aimer n'est pas le mot.
This word is really beautiful. Ce mot est vraiment joli.
"Okonatta" is the right word. "Okonatta" est le bon mot.
This word comes from Greek. Ce mot vient du grec.
He didn't say a word. Il n'a pas dit un mot.
This word is difficult to pronounce. Ce mot est difficile à prononcer.
How do you spell the word? Comment écris-tu ce mot ?
This word does not translate well. Ce mot ne se traduit pas bien.
This word is derived from Greek. Ce mot dérive du grec.
A word, once out, flies everywhere. Une fois lâché, un mot se répand partout.
You should look this word up. Tu devrais rechercher ce mot.
How much is it per word Quel est le tarif par mot
You should look that word up. Tu devrais rechercher ce mot.
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