Sentence examples of "her" in English with translation "son"

Her daughter has a stomachache. Sa fille a mal à l'estomac.
Her husband is usually drunk. Son mari est généralement ivre.
The medicine saved her life. Le médicament sauva sa vie.
Our friend lost her mum. Notre amie a perdu sa maman.
Her room is very small. Sa chambre est très petite.
Her beauty was beyond description. Sa beauté était indescriptible.
He still believes her words. Il croit encore ses paroles.
Tears fell down her cheeks. Des larmes tombèrent de ses joues.
Her desires were fully fullfilled. Ses désirs ont été pleinement assouvis.
Mayuko designed her own clothes. Mayuko a conçu ses propres vêtements.
Her mother was a Kennedy. Sa mère était une Kennedy.
You should take her advice. Tu devrais suivre son conseil.
Programming languages are her hobby. Les langages de programmation sont son hobby.
Spanish is her native language. L'espagnol est sa langue maternelle.
Her fears gradually quietened down. Sa peur s'apaisait progressivement.
Is her father a teacher? Est-ce que son père est enseignant ?
Mary is helping her mother. Marie aide sa mère.
Mary helped her mother cook. Marie aida sa mère à cuisiner.
Maria called her Brasilian mother. Maria appela sa mère brésilienne.
Her vanity knows no bounds. Sa vanité ne connaît pas de frontières.
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