Sentence examples of "give his discharge" in English

For all his cleverness, he is always reluctant to give his views. Malgré son intelligence, il est toujours réticent à donner son point de vue.
He said he would give us his decision for sure by Friday. Il a dit qu'il nous ferait connaître sa décision vendredi sans faute.
What did you give Mike on his birthday? Qu'est-ce que tu as offert à Mike pour son anniversaire ?
Give the devil his due. Donne au diable ce qui lui revient.
She tells him to give her all of his salary and he does. Elle lui dit de lui donner tout son salaire et il le fait.
He was so kind as to give the old man his seat. Il fut assez bon pour céder son siège au vieil homme.
He balked at the suggestion that he give ten percent of his income to charity. Il regimba à la suggestion qu'il donne dix pour-cent de son revenu aux œuvres de charité.
I would like to give him a present for his birthday. Je voudrais lui offrir un cadeau pour son anniversaire.
His doctor advised him to give up smoking. Son médecin lui conseilla d'arrêter de fumer.
I have a discharge from my nipple. J'ai du liquide qui s'écoule de mon téton.
Give this book to Ramu. Donne ce livre à Ramu.
He left his hometown at the age of fifteen never to return. Il quitta sa ville natale à l'âge de quinze ans pour ne jamais revenir.
I will give you a present. Je te donnerai un cadeau.
His nephew was absorbed in the splendid fireworks. Son neveu était captivé par le superbe feu d'artifice.
Give him an inch and he'll take a yard. Donnez-lui la main, il vous prendra le bras.
He likes to read the Chinese books his father wrote in the United States. Il aime lire les livres chinois que son père a écrits aux USA.
Let me give you some advice. Laisse-moi te donner un conseil.
This criminal is a victim of his heredity. Ce criminel est une victime de ses gènes.
I give my mother fifty thousand yen on payday every month. Je donne cinquante mille yen à ma mère chaque mois le jour de ma paye.
I have access to his library. J'ai accès à sa bibliothèque.
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